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Welcome to Re-Emagined! I'm Emily, a 30-something wife, first time mommy to a little lady, and a DIY fanatic posing as a Marketing guru in the business world M-F. I love digging for unique finds at affordable prices for our home and my closet.

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Nursery Sneak Peek: Take One!

I've gone back and forth with whether or not I wanted to share nursery details just yet, or wait it out a wee bit longer until more is complete.  Well I've decided that I can't wait because I'm just too giddy about little lady's room (that's right, she still doesn't have a name), but we are CLOSE.  I also think that in sharing this, I am committing myself to the colors.  If you know me at all, you know how indecisive I am and sometimes you just need to go with your gut.  So that's what I've done with her room, gone with my gut (that continues to grow these days).  The color(s) I've picked were truly some of the first I looked at and it all sort of snowballed from there.  Huge change from when we picked colors for our house (our kitchen was almost a hideous shade of blue that resembled a badly decorated island cottage or something)!  Thank goodness that didn't last...I mean it's tough looking at a 2"x2" color swatch and envisioning it covering your walls.  If I've learned anything it's always go 1-2 shades lighter than the one you like on the card!

Anyways, here are a few of my favorite things so far...

  • Whispering Peach by Benjamin Moore I hit up a Ben Moore retailer to get color swatch ideas a few weeks back before we knew what we were having and as most of you know, I didn't expect to get to use this sweet little color, totally thought this room was going to be painted gray with navy and green accents!  Anyways, my favorite paint guy at our Lowe's store was able to color match this and I'm happy to report that I like it!
  • Used Little Castle Glider that I randomly found when I popped into Encore Consignment Gallery looking for the paint I plan to use on her furniture.  And no the glider wasn't for sale in their store, I just like to make idle chit chat and it just so happened the very nice girl working there had this sitting in her basement ready to be sold -- TO ME!  Highly recommend checking out Encore Consignment Gallery though, new place, friendly staff, cool stuff.
  • How Sweet It Is, To Be Loved By You ... No I'm not the biggest James Taylor fan, but I do love that song and these sweet little mint green/gold signs that need some frames.
  • Gold Chandelier with White Glass Flowers from The White Rabbit. I've become a regular in this store over lunch these days. The hubs asked how we are going to hang this and I said it's perfectly acceptable to run a little electrical for a chandelier, I mean am I right? Am I right?
  • The DaVinci 3 in 1 Jenny Lind Crib. I must say the price point on this one was right on, but it concerned me about whether the quality would be effected at all.  Well I'm happy to report that the crib is solid and sturdy and that the Baby Bargains book B rating is good enough in my book!  I will say we have opted to forgo the wheels that come along with this crib as they didn't really meet my style standards and seemed to make it a little flimsy. 
  • Vintage Hat Boxes containing hints of peach and mint from a local antique shop, I couldn't resist. 
Next up is to get a 2nd coat of paint on the walls (big shout out to my gracious MIL for painting the first coat recently) start on our wall stenciling project, sew a crib skirt, and paint the other furniture (tall dresser and short dresser = changing table) going in her room and who knows what else!  Stay tuned!

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