So. . . I've been a little MIA lately, but I'm back! The latest project under our roof has been finishing the basement in time for Layla's 1st bday party. It's amazing how hosting a big event like that will kick you into high gear and get it done! Ok, well maybe not DONE, but livable. Next up is continuing to decorate a fun and colorful playarea down there for Miss Layla!
All of her toys have moved to the basement and out of our living room. SUCCESS! It's time for me to start taking some strides in making a pretty sitting room on our main level. Sticking with the style of the rest of our house, I've slowly accumulated some vintage/used furniture over the last couple years via Estate Sales and Craig's List, but there is still a lot of potential for this room. I recently stumbled upon a site called Chairish (, and I'm in love. The concept is simple. Buy. Sell. Adore. Every day people, like myself, can now buy and sell vintage furniture, decor, jewelry, and accessories to one another online from all over the country. The shop features curator-approved treasures in a full-service and trustworthy environment.

I've had a lot of fun window shopping the site lately, and picked out some of my favorites as inspiration for my sitting room. I want a room that is fancy, fun, and functional. The pieces I found on encompass all three of those. Fancy is the Vintage French Settee with New Linen Upholestery, Vintage Victorian Round Mirror, and Curved Golden Mirrored Side Tables. Fun are the Adjustable Barbara Berry Brass Floor Lamps, Early Brass Bronze Finish Globe, and Antique Inspired Antlers on Plaques. And functional is the Vintage Jajim Rug and Belgium Game Table. The game table opens into a real table! Throw a linen table cloth on it and voila! You have an extra table for entertaining guests!
If you're a lover of design and
vintage furniture, I highly encourage you to visit ASAP! You won't be disappointed!
Happy Hunting!